Creation of a website with a reservation system for the biodental medicine clinic Matković

Brief project description
MATKOVIĆ BIODENTAL MEDICINE POLYCLINIC Ltd. for general dental medicine has signed a Grant Agreement for the purpose of implementing a project titled “Creation of a website with a reservation system for the Matković Biodental Medicine Polyclinic,” reference contract number NPOO.C1.1.2.R3-I2.01-V2.0147.

With the project “Creation of a website with a reservation system for the Matković Biodental Medicine Polyclinic,” the Applicant will embark on the digitization of marketing by creating new websites with enhanced communication channels with clients.

Project objectives
The specific goal of the project is to invest in the creation and design of a website with improved new communication channels with clients – appointment reservations and live chat, with the aim of optimizing the Polyclinic’s business. With the specific goal, the Applicant will achieve the stated general goal of the Call: Increasing the level of digital maturity of SMEs through the development of digital business models, strengthening capacity for the implementation of digitization and digital transformation, or improving cybersecurity, ultimately increasing competitiveness and resilience of the company using digital technologies.

Project activities:
– Creation and design of a website with appointment reservations and employee education,
– Project management,
– Promotion and visibility.

Expected results at the end of the project:
– Number of procured/developed digital services based on issued vouchers: 1 website with a reservation system.

Total project value: 9.000,00 EUR
Eligible costs: 7.200,00 EUR
EU project co-financing (EUR, %): 4.320,00 EUR (60%)
Project implementation period: December 2023. — March 2024.
Contact person for more information: Luka Matković,, +385 1 48 12 807

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